Meet the Oxen Privacy Tech Foundation

We’re a passionate team of advocates, creatives, and engineers building a world where the internet is open, software is free and accessible, and your privacy is protected.

About OPTF

Partners and Allies


Annual Reports



Transparency Report

Human Rights Declaration

We consider a wide range of proposals. In the past, we have granted funding ranging from a few hundred dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The level of funding granted is dependent on the scope of your proposal and the level of resources available at the time. If you would like to discuss an initiative prior to submitting a formal proposal, please contact the OPTF Secretary via

Funding criteria

Currently, we focus on funding initiatives which:

  • Contribute directly to our projects by helping us develop privacy technologies, participating in education initiatives, or providing other services

  • Make relevant contributions to projects we rely on, such as Monero, Signal, or other open-source projects

However, other initiatives may also be considered.

Proposal submission and review process

Funding proposals should follow the template outlined in this PDF document. Please ensure you respond to all sections. Attach the completed proposal form, along with any other relevant materials, to an email addressed to The subject of the email should be ‘Proposal for Funding’.

Once your proposal is submitted, it will be acknowledged by the Secretary via email. The Secretary will conduct an initial review of your proposal, and assess whether it is appropriate for consideration by the board. The Secretary may contact you to suggest changes to your proposal or request additional information.

If the Secretary approves your proposal for consideration by the board, you will be informed as to the date of the next expected board meeting. Regular board meetings occur every 2 months. However, if your proposal is time sensitive, you should indicate this in your submission; the board may convene a special meeting to expedite consideration of your proposal.

All proposals are subject to a vote by the OPTF board members. Once the board has voted on your proposal, you will be notified of the outcome via email. If your proposal is successful, we will contact you to discuss the next steps, including further communication about the specific parameters and outcomes of your proposal, coordinating agreements, and establishing payment schedules.